some velvet sidewalk
   SHOWS - the "POLKA DOT FEVER" era
   roughly 4/90-3/95

During this period some velvet sidewalk was Al Larsen and Don Blair and Martin Bernier. Ryan Baldoz (later of Enemymine) played with us a bit too, on guitar, for about a year. Mostly this period is all a blur, though I know we played with Sebadoh, Crackerbash, Fugazi, Bikini Kill, Heavens to Betsy, KARP, Giant Henry, Unwound, Dinosaur Jr., Gumball, Scream, Screaming Trees, Earth, Crayon, the Spinanes, Oswald Five-O, Pounding Serfs, Mike Johnson, Violent Green, Trackstar, Jad Fair, Mecca Normal, Imperial Teen, Kicking Giant, L-7, Naked Raygun, JFA, FYP, Gas Huffer, Girl Trouble, Treepeople, Kilikitat Ikatowi, Greg Sage Band, Sleep Capsule and about a bajillion other bands.

My best memory amidst the blur is of the first night of driving east on our tour in 1992; it was a full moon and we were with Oswald Five-O, the six of us all in Robert and Denise's VW Vanagon. We had piled all the guitar cases next to the sliding van door making a slab on which one passenger could lay. That first night I was lying on that slab looking out at the full moon over the Montana horizon. Back in Olympia, Stella was carrying my child. Was I freaked out? Yes, but at that moment, for that night, surrounded by my friends and the apparatus of performance I knew for sure that all was right in the world.

"You be the cat
I'll be the mouse
invite me over to your
mousetrap house...

Any help filling in the gaps appreciated: