I felt that several projects have the air of an
attempted military-like deployment, an aimed-at rigor, a clean
execution of a plan, when warm social spaces are replete with error,
mistake, and humane possibility.
– John Hopkins (from a post to iDC list August 19, 2006)
(enitirely out of context, but…)
welcome to the micro commons minimum…
giselle beiguelman (from a post to iDC list August 18, 2006)
West Coast, North Pacific America w/ Thanksgiving
8/11/06 – Sacramento, CA at Fool’s Foundation
8/10/06 – 2 sows:
very early show:
“Fellowship Hall” at the “All Saints Lutheran Church”
2 San Marin drive
Novato, CArather early show (6:00 pm):
“Mama Buzz Cafe”
2318 Telegraph, Oakland
8/9/06 San Francisco ?
8/8/06 Santa Cruz, CA – at a party – details forthcoming
8/7/06 Davis, CA (“Delta of Venus”)
8/6/06 – Chico, CA (“1078 Gallery”)
8/5/06 – Eugene, OR (“Stonehenge”)
8/4/06 – Portland, OR
7/16/06 Anacortes, WA (as part of What the Heck festival)
5.27.06 – New York, NY, Sidewalk (with Jeffrey Lewis)
4/11/06 – Buffalo, NY, CFA 2nd Floor Gallery (as part of NET<3 show)
2/24/06 – Buffalo, NY, Kitchen Distribution (as part of Space Cave show)