Category Archives: Screen Culture


Reflections on Warm Not Cold performance of April 11th. Comments by members of the Death, Data, & Desire class, formulated by Trebor Scholz. Photos by Camille.pb and Tom Leonhardt. The unreliable fleeting nature of the Internet conditions the art created for it. The fact that things did not work out made up the strength of […]

Warm Not Cold at Sidewalk Cafe

On Saturday, May 27th we can expect the warm not cold vibe at Sidewalk Cafe, 94 Ave. A, New York City. With Jeffrey Lewis, Phoebe Kreutzer, Max Miller, Bendik.

Time for reflection

This text is excerpted from “Operational Media” by Jordan Crandall. Or you can go ahead and read the whole thing at These images are stills from “Return 2 Burn” As Ryan Bishop and John Phillips write, the integrative history of military technology — a history of prosthetic extension, especially that of sight — has […]

Click below it! No, below it!

Forget social networking for a moment, right now I’m, thinking about the asocial web in social space. Definitely our love affair with screens can be a problem. At school I find it incredibly disturbing to walk past room after room of faces intently staring into monitors. Or walking by the cafe at night and seeing […]