Reflections on Warm Not Cold performance of April 11th. Comments by members of the Death, Data, & Desire class, formulated by Trebor Scholz. Photos by Camille.pb and Tom Leonhardt. The unreliable fleeting nature of the Internet conditions the art created for it. The fact that things did not work out made up the strength of […]
Thinking about political art I keep coming back to this little snippet from a post by Tobi. Then Spider and the Webs played a show with some ‘no folk’ groups in a basement in East Olympia. We didn’t say anything about East Timor, but I was thinking about it when we were playing. Why, I […]
I’m not selling bread, I’m selling yeast. A little while ago I was looking, searching on the web, for slogans and graffiti from the May 1968 general strike in France. The walls have ears. Your ears have walls. My aim is to agitate and disturb people. I’ve gone looking before and it seems that each […]
Pulling Strings A short Flash clip with Julie Perini as “The Coated Figure,” and Adrian and Curtis as “The Plotters.” The drugstore footage is lifted from The Barest Threads. The soundtrack is “Crashing Waves” by Melting Igloo. Click here for the clip to launch in a new window. “There is no more dominant culture, because […]
On Saturday, May 27th we can expect the warm not cold vibe at Sidewalk Cafe, 94 Ave. A, New York City. With Jeffrey Lewis, Phoebe Kreutzer, Max Miller, Bendik.
Some of Daniel Johnston’s drawings are included in the every-other-year show at the Whitney. What this has to do with the contemporary art scene, I’m not sure. Is Daniel Johnston meant to stand in for outsider art, for the cassette mythos of the ’80s, for the spirit of Amercian lo-fi diy? Let’s hope not, let’s […]
In “The Aesthetics of Failure†Kim Cascone writes about emerging glitch-based music. …it is from the ‘failure’ of digital technology that this new work has emerged: glitches, bugs, application errors, system crashes, clipping aliasing, distortion, quantization noise, and even the noise floor of computer sound cards are the raw materials composers seek to incorporate into […]
now is not the time for the lotus tea now is not the time for the lotus tea now is not the time for the lotus tea now is not the time for the lotus tea now is not the time for the lotus tea now is not the time for the lotus tea now […]
This text is excerpted from “Operational Media” by Jordan Crandall. Or you can go ahead and read the whole thing at These images are stills from “Return 2 Burn” As Ryan Bishop and John Phillips write, the integrative history of military technology — a history of prosthetic extension, especially that of sight — has […]
Forget social networking for a moment, right now I’m, thinking about the asocial web in social space. Definitely our love affair with screens can be a problem. At school I find it incredibly disturbing to walk past room after room of faces intently staring into monitors. Or walking by the cafe at night and seeing […]